Fees Policy
To enable our Centre to provide high quality early education and care for children we need to ensure we are financially viable at all times. Prompt payment of fees allows us to plan with certainty. We have a commitment to ensuring our fees are as affordable as possible and that all families have access to any subsidies that are available to reduce these fees.
Our Centre’s financial health and access to our Centre will be maximised by:
ensuring families are aware of all fees and fee payment requirements upon enrolment;
keeping fee increases to a minimum;
ensuring the cost of administering fee collection is minimised;
following the appropriate priority of access requirements;
following all legal requirements required by our access to government funding;
managing fee collection to avoid bad debts;
families are notified as far ahead as possible and no less than 14 days of any changes to fees or the way fees will be collected; and
ensuring we issue receipts of fees on a regular basis.