Anti-Racism Policy

This policy reflects our collective commitment to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination in our Centre. It applies to all employees, families, children and volunteers and has implications for our early learning community.
Styles Street rejects all forms of racism. We are committed to the elimination of racial discrimination in our Centre – including direct and indirect racism, racial vilification and harassment – in all aspects of our learning and working environment. No child, employee, parent, caregiver or community member should experience racism within the learning or working environment of our Centre.
Eradicating expressions of racism in learning and working environments, and challenging the attitudes that allow them to emerge, is the shared responsibility of all members of the Styles Street community.
All staff and community members can assist in countering racism by demonstrating respect for the cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds of others, and behaving in ways that promote acceptance and harmony in the school environment.

Anti-racism Policy August 2023


Recognition Action Plan


Waitlist Policy