Dealing with Medical Conditions
This policy acts to ensure that:
Children are supported to feel physically and emotionally well, and feel safe in the knowledge that their wellbeing and individual health care needs will be met when they are not well.
Families can expect that Educators will act in the best interests of the children in their care at all times; meet the children’s individual health care needs; maintain continuity of medication for their children when the need arises.
Educators feel competent to perform their duties; understand their liabilities and duty of care requirements; are provided with sufficient information and training regarding the administration of medication and other appropriate treatments.
Collaboration with families of children with diagnosed medial conditions to develop a Risk Minimisation Plan for their child;
All staff, including casual staff, educators and volunteers, are informed of all children diagnosed with a medical condition and the risk minimisation procedures for these;
All families are provided with current information about identified medical conditions of children enrolled at the service with strategies to support the implementation of the Risk Minimisation Plan;
All children with diagnosed medical conditions have a current Risk Minimisation Plan that is accessible to all staff;
All staff are adequately trained in the administration of emergency medication.